
More stories from people who we've helped using Counterstrain

  • Show Answer Endorsement by JF
  • This was the day I met a woman named Holly Christy. We discussed briefly my past and my guarded emotional state etc. She told me there was a chance I would feel emotions all at once and maybe some bits and pieces of memory may come through. I honestly didn’t expect anything. I did suffer brain trauma and had been told this all before by VA. Then Holly did a scan on me (This is the hocus pocus part I mentioned earlier.) She found some things and we went to work. Shortly thereafter as I lay there on the treatment table I remember thinking at that moment that I didn’t feel anything...nothing had changed. Then I sat up... I was hit with images and emotions that I had buried or lost. The wave of all of it was exhausting and to be honest...emotionally brutal. This one treatment opened a door in my head that has allowed a level of emotional clearing I can’t even begin to put into words. I wish I could share how different things are now. Don’t misunderstand... the demons still come sometimes...but now there are not as many of them...now it’s a fair fight.

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  • Some of my symptoms of PTSD that were affected by the treatment were light sensitivity, taste and smell. During the session I experienced a surge of strong emotions that I had not experienced with Shannon’s treatments before, they were neither positive nor negative but very strong. One of my PTSD symptoms that affected my life regularly was a negative reaction to light changes that in turn caused panic attacks. After the treatment I no longer have a negative reaction or panic attacks due to change in light. I have also experienced an increase in smell and taste, both were limited prior to the treatment. I would highly recommend this to other PTSD patients if it was available. Shannon was thorough, easy mannered, professional, and knowledgeable. She created an environment where I felt safe and was able to let go and let the process work.

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  • I had three treatments intended to help me with my PTSD. They worked extraordinarily well. The treatments were totally unlike any I’d received before and thus the outcome feels somewhat magical. More truthfully, it is that I didn’t need to understand the underlying science of the intervention for it to work. It’s not that [I] no longer dislike unexpected noise, gunfire or fireworks, it is that I feel more able to manage their effect on me. I describe it as an absence of some need to respond. I have a sense of distance from the physical effects and don’t experience the kind of anticipatory anxiety guilt, or anger I’ve felt in the past. My wife tells that I am less reactive in general and display fewer outbursts of anger. Personally, I experience an increased ability to stay centered or calmer during arguments. This not to say I’ve had a personality make over or anything, but from inside myself I feel more at ease and less likely to ruminate over old issues regarding traumatic events.

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  • Immediately after the treatments I felt more light-hearted. I laughed more and was more able to enjoy people and experiences. I also at first, felt like I was being especially hyper-vigilant. I think however, what was really happening was a recognition of how I gear up mentally and physically when I am around other people and situations. Two months post-treatment, I noticed cognitive changes. I was more able to problem solve, more able to focus and when looking at a situation I could see more possibilities and less limitations. Three months post-treatment, I discovered more improvement. When the storming of the U.S. Capitol occurred we followed events closely in the media. I saw a lot of footage of cops being assaulted and people trapped inside who feared for their safety. In the past this would have triggered me. You see, when I was a teacher, we were taken hostage by a student. He had been threatening to kill the  principal and came to school with a gun and a plan. Usually, seeing the video and hearing the audio of events like this I would revert back physiologically to the state I was in that day in my school. This time I didn’t. I could empathize with those folks and their predicament but it didn’t become about me and that situation that I am no longer in. I am very grateful for all you’ve done for me. My future is much brighter because of your work!

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